Service Learning is a way for students to learn about compassion and their community by involving themselves in it in a way that connects to what they’re studying in class. When done correctly, students learn by applying skills in real-world situations with real-world outcomes. Students also develop a better sense of themselves, their community, and positive values like leadership and service.
Service Learning can take 4 very different forms. Direct Service, where students interact face-to-face with those in need. Indirect Service, is when students help improve the community and/or environment but without those benefitting present. Advocacy involves students in promoting awareness in the community of important issues. Research is a way for students to improve analytical skills while finding information that could eventually lead to Advocacy.
The process of carrying out a Service Learning plan can take many forms but usually follows a general four step outline:
Preparation- figuring out what needs to be done and how to do it.
Action-carrying out the plan, regrouping when the plan falls apart and following through when the going gets tough.
Reflection-putting the experiences into larger and larger contexts.
Demonstration-a public showing what skills and values students have learned.
Great RR 7. I look forward to seeing your teams ITU webpage.