Tuesday, January 31, 2012

531 Journal 1

Hello, my name is student A at school B in Mr. F’s US History class. This class is OK because my friends are in it and Mr. F doesn’t really make us do homework, unless we don’t finish it in class. I would say he’s cool but he doesn’t let us text, game, or mess around. We learn some crazy stuff about the presidents, world wars, and the economy. I hate the way he makes us sit in groups of 4 and we’re always doing stuff in groups. I used to hate the people in my group but now we’re cool, so I guess it’s cool. I can tell Mr. F likes to teach and he tries really hard to get us excited about stuff but he called me out for taking a 30 minute bathroom break, so…
My school is better than most because they let us wear what we want, we get to listen to our iPods in most classes, and we only have 4 classes a semester but it’s still school. I like that we can go off campus at lunch, we have lots of electives, and there’s no hardcore jocks. My school is pretty cool.

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