Wednesday, February 8, 2012

531-Journal 2

Quote from the
text/ video
What it means
Deeper thinking
1. “Kids who haven’t responded to natural consequences don’t need more consequences.”
There are many students who need alternate behavior modifications.
There is a fundamental misunderstanding of concepts like nature vs. nurture and cause and effect.
2. “If you’re not PREPARED to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.”

Creativity depends on a willingness to try things that might not work.
I agree that openness to mistakes breeds creativity but it not 100% necessary. Often times originality happens subconsciously.
3. “And automation has begun to affect this generation’s white-collar workers in much the same way it did last generation’s blue-collar workers, requiring L-Directed professionals to develop aptitudes that computers can’t do better, faster, or cheaper.”
Just as machines replaced many labor-intensive workers in previous decades, computers are replacing “repetition” workers regardless of how smart they are.
It’s a bummer that politics are currently driving our country to try and get back our manufacturing jobs instead of renovating education and taking our place as a leader in innovation.
4. “In general, the U.S. economy appears to be shifting towards jobs that require workers with greater analytical and interactive skills – skills that are typically acquired with some postsecondary education.”
The government projects many future jobs to rely on higher-order thinking that depends on productive post-secondary institutions.
While post-secondary education is key, we need to focus more on primary and secondary education to fill our universities and trade schools with students who’ve already been taught how to analyze and interact.

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