Wow! THE TEACHING CREDENTIAL PROGRAM is almost complete. It’s been a wild ride this year. The past 9 months seem to have flown by and lasted an eternity all at once. From classes at CSUSM with Annette, Anne René, Jannis, and Jeff where I learned the tools of the trade and met some awesome “teachers in waiting”, to my intensive and rewarding Student Teaching experiences. Throw in work, TPAs, CSETs and getting engaged and it was a rather hectic year; if teaching doesn’t work out I’ll try professional juggling.
My Student Teaching experience this semester is going well, as I am getting better at:
Quickly grading papers
Planning Activities
Designing worksheets
Communicating with parents
Effectively using my “free time”
Pacing lessons (quickly reading Analog clocks)
Picking the right “battles”
Managing mountains of paperwork
Getting enough sleep
All in all, I look forward to possibly having my own classroom and teaching more students in the future, while I think back to all the teachers I’ve ever had --> with a newfound and profound respect.
Woo! Yes, flown by and lasted an eternity all at once, I certainly agree with that.